Monday, December 3, 2007

Just when you thought you'd heard everything ...

... the interweb surprises you yet again.

I mean, I'm a serious person. I read books with long words in them (and no pictures even!) I've watched An Inconvenient Truth. And I'm desperately looking for someone to give a goat to this Christmas (my sister-in-law's getting three ducks ... a real bargain at $15 I reckon).

So why am I so tickled to find this podcast?

And why am I not surprised at this website .... or this one?

Maybe it's the lighter things in life that make it possible to do all of the above?

Enough philosophy for now - after all, it's only Monday!

1 comment:

Madhamster said...

Sometimes things like that are just scary...
My cat doesn't like sinks or boxes... but I have some cupboard photos...