Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Flickring away

Ah, Flickr - I have the wonderful Kate from St Heliers to thank for my current Flickr obsession. I mean, not only can you spend far too much time looking at cool (and sometimes rather weird) photos from around the world - you can take revenge on your brothers by posting all their yucky baby photos!

Like this one! But seriously folks, I'm actually in the middle of a huge family project of uploading all the 'historic' family photos onto Flickr - damn fine thing when the cuzzies and rellies are spread hither and yon and much easier that trying to email photos using a dial up connection.

So Flickr does rock - although remembering to put all the photos in chronological order before you upload all 60 of them might be a good idea. Now I just have to convince the aforesaid mentioned cuzzies and rellies to break out their shoes boxes and delve into their cupboards for more old photos.

And not just photos either ... I've also uploaded some of my genealogy scans - though the Internet might not be the most safe/secure/long lasting place in the universe - it does mean I cam access said scans from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Now I just have to find out about mash-ups - like a good mash - 'specially with mashed ptotato with lots of pepper

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fantastic! It's good to see you are finding some useful stuff out there! Good luck on the family photo project! :)