Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Can I still be cool ...

  • if my MP3 player has black headphones instead of white ones?

  • if my idea of a Big Day Out is having coffee with friends and seeing a movie on the same day?

  • if I have more friends on my Goodreads page than my Facebook page?

  • if I prefer books with words instead of pictures - unless they're cookbooks, then it should be the other way around?

  • if I don't (and hope to never have to) speak bebo?

  • if I prefer Unshelved to manga?


Madhamster said...

If not, we can be uncool together

S. Toogod Tobetrue said...

I must be cool then!

Fiona said...

Have decided that being 'cool' is merely a state of mind - a temporal fixation that changes every time some world-altering event occurs(e.g. it doesn't rain at Christmas and NZ wins a cricket match). Think back fellow bloggers - there was a time when ABBA was cool, then ABBA wasn't cool, and now ABBA is cool again - go figure

S. Toogod Tobetrue said...

I have given myself permission to be cool at all times, especially when I'm not.

It's hip to be square!

Madhamster said...

Was never cool - will never be cool - but am happily odd instead... besides the cool kids from my school generally wore lots of makeup (girls more than boys), and they have wrinkles worse than me!