Monday, March 2, 2009

The post about the stuff

So now to write about Animoto and GoAnimate and such things.

Animoto claims to herald the end of slideshows - yeh, right. If web 2.0 is meant to put the user in the drivers' seat where it comes to interaction and creation of web material - then Animoto is a step back towards the olden days of Uncle Jim's slide projector and slideshows of his and Muriel's trip to Surfers - complete with fondue for afters. Apart from selecting your photos and putting them in some semblance of order, it was 'sit back and watch the grass grow' - not my favourite occupation:) And it .... was ..... so ..... slow ....

So onto GoAnimate - well, I did enjoy this - but was horrified at how much time it ate up doing the smallest thing ... sort of like how much time you can waste on Playstation if you've got nothing better to do:) It was not the easiest programme to use, nor the most intuitive - but I might recommend it if I had a patron asking for a way to create a Star Trek/Doctor Who mashup animation for a wedding video. Otherwise, no.

So, all in all, these activities left me feeling less than animated, which I do not think was supposed to be the object of the exercise:) Oh well, c'est la moutard.

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