Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So now I know what a mash is and have made one. Nice of those wonderful souls to provide this sort of free service - although I'm sure the mighty dollar is at the bottom of it all rather than artistic altruism. As long as you don't get carried away and push the order button - you're OK. After all, I'm sure the family don't really want mouse mats with your baby photos on them for Xmas. Or maybe they do ... depends on your family I guess!

Love that fact that we've all probably been 'mashing' way before this web 2.0 had a name for it - back then we just called it pirating or copy and pasting ... the more things change the more they stay the same.

Haere ra.


Anonymous said...

Great blog! Glad to see you're enjoying the activities :)

VP said...

Very nice Andy opps I mean Fi. Glad someone was able to figure out how to make one.


worldofmusic said...

cor, what an impressive blog! Quite inspirational really!