Thursday, November 15, 2007

And now the end is near ...

... can't find any curtains so it'll just have to be a blog post. I guess this is where I look back and wax philosophical about what I've learnt and how this is going to improve my life, and mind. and soul, and general wellbeing ... or not.

Perhaps best way of working this, is to think about which of these delightful and occasionally mind numbing little exercises I might revisit in the future ...

  1. Read introduction - probably won't do this again:)

  2. Set up own blog - done burger

  3. See above

  4. Social networking ... highly unlikely to keep this up - I prefer the non-flat screen version of people (you know - real life?)

  5. Flickr - I love Flickr - currently doing major family photo project - will revisit far too often:)

  6. Mashups - can be hired for mashups on demand for staff leaving pressies, etc

  7. See #2

  8. Have found bloglines great for keeping up with other ACL bloggers - and Unshelved. Whether I manage to keep this up is in the "still to be determined" category.

  9. See #2 again:)

  10. Hmmmm ... as previously posted, I prefer the creativity aspect of mashups - but at least I know where to find a Klingon sign generator the next time I need one

  11. A rather large no on this one I'm afraid. Thanks to the Mad Hamster I'm a Goodreads convert - maybe it's my Scottish heritage (och aye) but I like that it's free

  12. Set up Rollyo, complained about Rollyo, used Rollyo and then forgot about it ... I think that answers that one sufficiently?

  13. Still sitting on the fence about (until they hire a web designer that knows what the word font means and get a web address with a little less punctuation)

  14. My feelings about technorati are somewhat similar to my feelings about brussel sprouts. Does that answer your question?

  15. Will probably try and keep tabs on how various libraries are using web2.0 and stuff - or not

  16. The weird wide world of wikis - love the principle, may have a play now and again

  17. See # 2 once more

  18. Put this into the "will use again and recommend to others" category

  19. Nope, nein, non, I don't think so - I have enough weirdness in my life already

  20. Keep this one for the days when the sky is cloudy and the patrons are being patronising and you just need something to make you realise that this world we live in is a strange, strange place (oh, and bookmark this video for when you need to smile)

  21. Maybe, possibly, potentially ... but probably not

  22. Seeing as I love reading in bed or curled up on the couch - it's just takes too much effort to lug my computer around the house and lying in bed with your old 15" monitor on your knees just doesn't cut it I'm afraid. Still will use for locating Aristophanes The Frogs

  23. If you're already reading this, then I probably won't have to do this one again. That said who knows what actually happens to all these bizarre ramblings once they are fired out of my computer and into the distant realm of cyberspace.

I would like to thank my parents, the Academy and all those unseen, unthanked (and most probably underpaid) ACL Learning 2.0 blogreaders who have waded through my dross week after week, leaving their witty little comments behind (sort of like modern day tooth fairies ... awww).

I have wandered the wonderul world of web2.0 and be enlightened, enfuriated, entertained, enamoured, enchanted, engaged, enraged, enriched, and enthused. What more could a geeky, cat-loving, knit-happy, computer-addicted librarian want?

And the final word goes to ...


Nice Guy said...

Some photo mashups @

Unknown said...

Well done, the end is definitely now nigh and your mP3 player will be on its way to you this week. well done and thanks for your comments, the acl learning admin team have enjoyed watching you progress

dystoniclibrarian said...

Well done Princess Fi. So it's goodnight from me, and it's goodnight from him.

Madhamster said...

don't leave us fi... I've been told I have to keep mine going, & I want company in the ongoing in(s)anity