Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wee Willie Wiki

It's been a long time since this old girl was in a sandbox ... but I have duly added my blog to the star picks on the ACL wiki (and stuck a naff little 'new' logo next to it - courtesy of trademe icons) and added my favourite book to the wiki book page. And gosh, wasn't that easy! Much much easier than a real sandbox - no wind blowing the sand up your knickers and anxiety about your sandcastle being smaller/rattier/not as fancy as everyone else's sandcastle.

I will confess to being slightly reactionary and adding my favourite Dr Suess book to offset the seeming predomination of weightier tomes on the books' page - you know the ones, that are called Literature with a capital L.

I do love the idea of wiki based writing and co-operation but also see it as yet another thing to 'keep up with' which means it will probably fall by the wayside unless I find it really useful and really interesting. The fitch being a case in point - great way to collaborate and share reference information and stuff - but when was the last time you looked at it and/or used it?

To get deep and meaningful in a political sense, I think wikis and such things rock the world as tools that everyone with computer access gets to use without having to go out and buy x video card or y software program and z hardware add-on and spend time learning html and such like. Bill Gates must hate them ... which is not such a bad thing:) Plus all those people that did go out and buy x y and z and learn html ... bugger!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great work adding to the wiki :) Dr Suess rocks.