Sunday, November 25, 2007

Is there life after blobs ... sorry, blogs

I should hope so ... imagine if all this hard work and fun disappears into the ethos once this is over. Facebook profiles decaying on the roadside, rollyo search engines gathering moss, librarything accounts withering away.
All these web2.0 tricks and treats will go the way of that pasta machine and waffle maker you bought eons ago. You know, those must have appliances currently gathering dust in the dim dark recesses of your cupboards. (Apologies for the tautology - who ever heard of a light bright recess?) I blame the Briscoes ads myself - for the pasta maker that is, not the tautology.
Perhaps the proof of the web2.0 pudding will be in the longevity of its toys (whups, sorry ... tools). But I have a nasty suspicion it will have more to do with the attention span of its audience - scary thought that that is:)
Ease of use could ensure that some last longer than others - they could even transmogrify into standard usage. I'm sure that pasta machine would see the light of day far more often if you didn't have to take a day off work just to whip up a round of tortellini.
Mind you, some of those forgotten appliances could be a good way to minimise the old carbon footprint (why is it that I always think of a large dinosaur with dirty feet then I hear that phrase?) No trip to the supermarket, no plastic packaging - and fresh pasta takes a little lest time to cook so down goes the electricity bill!
Web 2.0 can stick its oar into the climate change debate too. What is it about computer stuff that needs more packaging than a 5th century chinese vase? By using web-supported tools, you don't have to buy that new version of software flown in from Seattle with its polystyrene packaging, plastic wrap, installation CDs and 500 page manual in 15 languages. That must be worth at least a small pine tree
So ... web 2.0 - being clean, green and geeky


Unknown said...

haha, thanks for the feedback! Great work! :)

Madhamster said...

yay! are you staying on, too?

Fiona said...

We shall see:) I am rotten with 'keeping up' with things generally - but never pass up the opporutnity to blather mindlessly