Sunday, October 21, 2007

Roll, roll, roll your search

Task #12 ... which means that if I do half of this, I've halfway through the 23 things:) Just to be pedantic.

I had a good play with Rollyo - and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread to start with. I mean, how cool is it to be able to make your own search engine!

I found a couple of 'pre-rolled' knitting pattern search engines and edited them to add my own stuff and delete the pages that I didn't like. I also put together another engine which put a whole lot of New Zealand shipping list sites together.

Well, the knitting pattern one worked OK - if you ignore (and it is a tad difficult considering the number of them!) all the ads sprinkled through the results. However there didn't seem to be much rhyme or reason about what went first or last and many of the results on the list were the same pattern from different sites (which you would probably get on google as well, but, natch, I'm having a moan here!).

The shipping list one was a total bust - as most of the list pages have a separate search engine to search the list on that particular site - so the rollyo list only searched the main pages - not the embedded data. If I had read all the instructions maybe I would have found that out before I tried it ... but I thought this would be really great if this works and it didn't ... (and I never read all the instructions before I start anything ...which is why I once knitted a jersey with three sleeves)

As for browsing 'celebrity' search rolls ... I'm sorry but no.

So only 5/10 for Rollyo so far - although I like the principle and I'm sure I could find it useful in the future for particular tasks/searches. However, I'm more than happy to stick with Google for now - if it's not broke, then why fix it?


Madhamster said...

Ah knitting patterns... the flatmate's mum is looking for a raglan cardy pattern for a 1 year old girl... any thoughts?

Fiona said...

OK .... this is a conspriacy to get me to like rollyo ... and if I'm paranoid, then they're all out to get you too ...

I used my rollyo knitting pattern search engine and found a fair few patterns that fit the aforesaid mentioned specifications - but I STILL hate the idea of celebrity search rolls!

Unknown said...

Celebrity search rolls cracked me up, I didn't bother lookign at them but who would bother! Funny stuff. Great work on your blog.