Monday, October 1, 2007

Spring is sprung

So now do we have to change the first day of spring until Oct 1? The tree outside the workroom window here at Mt Roskill is covered with beautiful white blossoms, the tuis are singing in the trees and the teenagers are haggling over bebo:) Spring is sprung.

Have been having lots of fun adding comments to other people's blogs and poking people on facebook and other such stuff.

However, I heartily agree with Ms Mad Hamster that technology is very cool when it helps you do something that you wanted to do anyway. It's when it intrudes and interferes and puts wiggly lines under things and pops things up and suggests and tries to predict what I want that I get a tad on the snarly side.

I mean, we would all get rather hacked off if other appliances around the house started suggesting things to us!

Imagine waking up on a sunny weekend morning - nothing to do except peer at the underside of the duvet - and you hear the dull whine of your vacuum cleaner suggesting that you might just want to give the lounge a once over?

Put the bread in the toaster and the toaster suggests that you might want to have crumpets instead?

Open the fridge to get the milk - and five pieces of junk mail pop out of the butter conditioner and hit you on the nose.

Nuff said ...

1 comment:

Madhamster said...

Eek! Worse than a Philip K. Dick book! Reminds me, vaguely, of a nightmare a friend had - I wondered why they leapt and screamed when I touched them on the shoulder... they were dreaming of living in a world where inanimate things were animate - so if the chair didn't want to be sat on, it ran away... at the point where they were whimpering and I touched them - the sheets had turned homicidal and were suffocating them... yeech!